Trail Work
Here are a few projects I lead, or was a part of, in the Rocky Mountains.
Eight days of work to do, 65 miles from a road
This is the beaver airplane (circa 1940s) that brought us into one of our remote camps. I’ve got nothing against the smaller planes, except I don’t fit in them. This plane had a rotary engine (I think), which sounds awesome..
New Trail Design
A new trail may be going in between Kennecott and McCarthy.. This is big news. One possible route is through miles and miles of rock.
Highline Wall
Constructed by Devin Carr and myself in July of 2016. All rocks were scavenged and hoisted by us. Photo taken on a day hike.
Morning Commute.
Cold mornings on the N. Fork
Afternoon Commute
Trail boys cross the North Fork River.
New Benches at Avalanche Lake
Bear destroyed my camp
This happened in August of 2017. A large black bear destroyed my belongings after being bear sprayed twice.
Lunch Break
Nearly finished new bridge